Two Cases of Suspected Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Treated by Pidotimod Dispersible Tablets

1. Abstract

The global spread of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) directly endangers social health and safety. COVID-19 has a rapid onset, rapid progress. All people are susceptible to infection and no specific drugs. Our team directly contacted these patients. In the case of chance and emergency, two suspected patients had taken Pidotimod dispersible tablets. After 30min, the clinical symptoms of patients were improved rapidly. A few days later, the focus of chest CT pneumonia disappeared. We were surprised by the superior therapeutic effect of pidotimod dispersible tablets on patients; hope this report to give other clinicians a good inspiration and help.

2. Key words

Novel coronavirus pneumonia; Pidotimod dispersible tablets

3. Introduction

Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia(COVID-19) is seriously threatening people's lives, and its morbidity and mortality are increasing [1, 2]. Now the epidemic situation in China has been effectively controlled. But in the recent week, the epidemic has been expanding and spreading rapidly all over the world. As of March 12, 80,793 cases were confirmed, 3,169 cases died and 62,793 cases were recovered. In addition to China, there are 44,483 confirmed cases and 1,456 deaths in 119 countries and regions, and these data are rising sharply [3].COVID-19 has a rapid onset and deterioration. All people are generally susceptible and have no specific drugs. This paper reports that Pidotimod dispersible tablets were used occasionally in the treatment of two patients with suspected coronavirus pneumonia, and the unexpected curative effect was achieved.

4. Case Report

The Patient1's uncle family came from his hometown to Patient1's home (Shenzhen, a southern city in China) to celebrate the Spring Festival. The Patient1's uncle (Patient4) bought fresh food at the poultry market five days ago. Five days later, they returned to their hometown. His uncle (Patient4) and aunt (Patient5) suffered from dry cough, fever, fatigue, shortness of breath and other clinical symptoms. After that, their symptoms gradually worsened, and they were transferred to the hospital for examination. Their throat (throat swab test), which showed that the novel coronavirus nucleic acid was positive. Then they were diagnosed as novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19). After knowing the information of uncle's diagnosis, Patient1's family immediately went to the medical observation hotel for isolation. In the evening (the 10th day after close contact), Patient1 continued to have low fever, with a maximum body temperature of 37.2 oC, accompanied by chest distress. He took antiviral oral liquid (Proprietary Chinese Medicine, unknown ingredients) 10ml and Lianhuaqingfei capsule (Proprietary Chinese Medicine, unknown ingredients) 14g. The next day (the 11th day after close contact) after getting up in the morning, Patient1 had symptoms such as fatigue, chest tightness, cough, dyspnea, etc., and the temperature continued to rise, with a maximum of 37.8 oC.Due to the acute onset of the disease, there are no other drugs in the hotel for monitoring the epidemic. Patient1 had pidotimod dispersible tablets. After reading the instructions, the hotel medical staff suggested that Patient1 could take the medicine voluntarily according to the instructions and observe the effect. Patient1 immediately took pidotimod dispersible tablets 0.8g. After 20 minutes, the respiratory rate slowed down, chest tightness and shortness of breath gradually improved. After 30 minutes, the temperature dropped to 36.8 oC. Chest tightness, dyspnea and other symptoms gradually

5. Discussion

The COVID-19 is more serious. At present, there is no specific drug in clinical practice, which has brought great panic to the society. In the course of treatment, clinical doctors actively explore various drugs to cure or inhibit the replication and spread of the virus. Chinese doctors have actively used Traditional or Proprietary Chinese Medicine to treat patients with novel coronavirus and achieved some remarkable results [4]. The clinical treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine is mainly from the aspects of dispelling dampness and strengthening body, recuperating the body, strengthening physique and immunity and so on. However, traditional Chinese medicine has a long effective time and slow effect, which is its deficiency [5, 6]. Each person's constitution is different, Pidotimod dispersible tablet is a synthetic oral immunostimulant, which plays a role by stimulating and regulating cell-mediated immune response. It is commonly used in the auxiliary treatment of chronic or recurrent respiratory tract infection and urinary tract infection. Pharmacokinetic study showed that the drug was absorbed rapidly by oral administration. The bioavailability of human oral administration was 45% and the half-life was 4 hours [7]. The research effect of Pidotimod in the treatment of children's recurrent respiratory tract infection is significant; the drug can stimulate non-specific natural immunity, and significantly improve the level of IgA and IgG in the body. It can also regulate the function of T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte, regulate the generation of antibody, increase the chemo taxis, phagocytosis and killing of macrophages, enhance the immune function of the body, and achieve the purpose of treating respiratory tract infection [8].


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Li H. Two Cases of Suspected Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Treated by Pidotimod Dispersible Tablets . Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2020