Author Guidelines

The Authors are insisted to follow the guidelines provided below before submitting manuscript to Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports.

Peer Review

Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports follow a double blinded peer review process where authors and reviewers don’t know the identities of each other and are kept highly confidential.

Ethics of Publication

Articles published under Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports follow COPE-Community of Publication Ethics. Authors, reviewers and editors are instructed to follow publication ethics to maintain journal integrity.


Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports aims to publish original work which is neither been published or under review in other journals or else copying the content from other published articles and also Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports retards publishing a duplicate article that is already published in other journals.

Absolute Author Contribution

It is important for author’s for mention the other entire authors list in the manuscript who has contributed for the respective scientific work.

Author’s Conflicts of Interest

Articles published in Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports must be accompanied by a conflict of interest disclosure. This includes financial and non-financial interests, affiliations or any personal, racial and intellectual properties.


Conflict of interest “if any”


There is no in particular word count limit for the submission of the type of manuscripts like Clinical Images, Technical Paper, Review Article, Commentary, Conceptual Paper, Creative review, Editorial, Case Report, Historical study, Clinical paper, Short Communication, Case Report, Opinion, Case Series, Preliminary report, Method Article, Mini Review, News, Brief Report, Clinical Report, Book Review, Patent Review, Image Article, Poetry, Research Article, Proceeding, Literature review, Letter to Editor, Protocol Article, Research Note, Online Report, Technical Notes. For your reference purpose only we have mentioned the word count below the guidelines, but depending upon the type of research the word count can be maximized and accepted from the researchers across the globe.

Case Report

The article should contain around 2000-3000 words; abstract word limit should be between 150-250 words and with a minimum of 15 references to a maximum of 30 references. Submitted case reports should be unique and the clinical observations to be made on one or more number of patients.


The manuscript should not contain more than 1000 words and with a minimum of 5 references to a maximum of 10 references.

Mini Review

Article should not contain more than 3000 words; Abstract word limit should be between 150-250 words with a minimum of 15 references to a maximum of 25 references. It is a concise review of a particular area where the references need to be cited within the past 5 years.

Letter to the Editor

The article should not contain more than 1000 words; and should be with a minimum of 5 references to a maximum of 10 references. In a letter to the editor, authors can convey their thoughts and can raise their concerns on recently published articles.

Clinical Images

Clinical images are limited to 3 images with a maximum of 200-300 words in case description or image description with 3-5 references.

Manuscript preparation Guidelines for Authors

The authors are insisted to follow the guidelines provided below before the submission a of manuscript


The manuscript title should not exceed more than 140 characters in it.


List the full names of all the authors along with their affiliations.


The author affiliation should be mentioned in the order: Department, University/Institute, City, State, Country; to identify different affiliations use superscript numbers.

Corresponding Author

For further corresponding author has to provide their full name, affiliation, telephone number, fax number and email address.


Abstracts are limited to 150-250 words that describe Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusion (for research/original article) of the study. Author need to summarize their findings. Do not include any citations in the abstract.


Authors can include a maximum of five keywords.


The text should include Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Acknowledgement (If any). Use numbering for references in the body text.


Results should provide complete details of the experiment that should support the conclusion of the study. Tables and figures can be included in the results section.


This section should be separate or can be combined with results (results and discussion) or can be mixed with the conclusion (discussion and conclusion) but results and discussions should not be the same or repeated. Detailed interpretation of data should not be included in the results; it should be included in the discussion section.


Authors can include funding sources and personal acknowledgement in this section. Authors are encouraged to list all the funding sources used for the preparation of the manuscript and should provide the grant number and authors associated with specific funding sources. In this section, the author is free to mention the individuals or contributors who have directly or indirectly provided any technical assistance to the original work and would not be considered to meet the criteria for authorship. The authors must seek the consent of the individual or contributors, whom they would like to mention in this section as a matter of courtesy.


Preferred formats are JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF and power point. This section includes Figures, their title and description. Figure legends should not be repeated in the text. If a figure has been published elsewhere, then you need to get permission from the copyright to reproduce the material at the time of submitting the agreement form. Figures should be numbered in order (as per cited in the text part)


Tables should not be embedded with the text, but they can be cited in the text part. Each table should contain a title and description. There is no limit for tables submitted. Tables should provide new information but not the same given in the text. Do not use spaces while making tables. The table should be provided in word document, so that the text in the table can be copy editable as per journal format.

Supplementary Files

We do not limit the number of supplementary material items that the author has to include in the manuscript. Supplementary materials should be named as S (Example Figure S1, Table S1, Video S1, etc.). Make sure that these supplementary items should be cited in the text.


Published and accepted articles should be included in the reference list. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first cited in the text part. The author can also cite the references in the tables and figures apart from the text part. In in-text references, the authors surname and year should be included if publications are cited in the text.

Journal References

Author, A. (Publication Year).Article title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.

For instance

Nevin, A.The changing of teacher education special education.Teacher Education and Special Education.The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children.1990; 13(3-4): 147-148.

Book References

Finney, J. (1970). Time and again. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

Website References

Author, A. (Year, Month Date of Publication).Article title. Retrieved from URL.

Publication Fee

Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Report is a Universally open Journal distributer. We give inquire about distributions over the globe. These Journals are academic diaries that are accessible online to the perusers with no impediments and charges to download, read, and so on. Our devoted and submitted publication individuals guarantee the nature of research articles to be high. We additionally have presumed article board individuals all over from various fields for the fast distribution of articles and to guarantee the survey gauges to the universal guidelines. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports is a confident distributor which is exclusively financed by our own administration without accepting assets from any foundation/government. The writers are required to pay a reasonable open-access distribution charge for preparing their articles after the articles are acknowledged for distribution.

Manuscript Withdrawal Charges

If the author requests for withdrawal of the manuscript after the submission and before starting the pre-review process, then the authors will not have to pay any withdrawal penalty. If the author requests for withdrawal after manuscript is submitted or assigned for Pre-Review Process or during the assembly Stage or Published within the Platform then author(S) have to Pay a withdrawal Penalty without fail. Corresponding Author(S) are requested to submit a formal letter regarding withdrawal of the manuscript at inquest editorial office. The withdrawal of manuscripts Is handiest finished after Complete quantity of withdrawal penalty has been paid. The withdrawal costs will be declared as applicable, handiest in case of withdrawal.