Retesting Conjecture of Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory

1. Abstract This article proposes the following hypothesis based on studies from various aspects and various historical periods: meridians and collaterals are a continuous, interwoven and ordered system of cells with same active vibration frequency that guides human nerve activity and blood circulation, and acupuncture can temporarily open, unblock or shut such a system. Yin and Yang depend on the acidity and alkalinity of the internal and external liquid of cells caused by the human body after ingestion of food or influenced by the environment. Traditional Chinese medicine can help the human body adjust the acid-base balance, which is to say, adjust the imbalance state of Yin and Yang. The structure of functional active groups determines the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, and the structure can be predicted by using the principle of topology to play a role in the treatment of the corresponding target. Chinese and western medicine have their own advantages and can solve some health problems. Traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine cannot obtain curative effect, whereas both combine rise, develop respective specialty, can obtain unexpected curative effect. “Look, smell, ask and cut” and “look, smell, press and listen” are the examination means of Chinese and western medicine respectively. By combining traditional Chinese medicine diagnostic methods such as observation, smell and interrogation with modern physical and chemical detection methods, we can integrate the treatment methods of traditional Chinese and western medicine through re-examination and demonstration, and take multiple measures to combine the macro theory, micro law and treatment mechanism, so as to achieve a qualitative leap. The unity of opposites, the division into two, the negation of negation, the conversion of yin and yang and the theory of reduction have mutual reference and compatibility. The overall theory of TCM can accommodate the analysis and synthesis of Western medicine. The experiment and analysis of Western medicine can explain accurately. The Taoist thought of Chinese medicine. Western medicine is based on the theory of reduction. Reductionism reduces the locality to the whole, divides the whole into parts, often covers the particularity with universality, and ignores the integrity of the human body. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes mutual correlation, understanding from the overall situation and analyzing local diseases under the overall condition. The theory of zang-fu organs is different from that of western medicine. Western medicine mainly studies pathological and morphological changes, and promotes overall rehabilitation with local diagnosis and treatment. The overall situation and the overall law can cover local changes, and local and individual changes can also affect the overall law.

Keywords: Traditional Chinese medicine; Renewal inspection; Yin and Yang; Prediction

2. Meridian Theoretical Conjecture Five pairs of lumbar nerves and twelve pairs of thoracic nerves are significant discoveries in morphological anatomy. The corresponding TCM veins are roughly located in the 11th and 12th thoracic nerves and the lateral cutaneous branches of the anterior branch of the 1st lumbar nerves [1], while there is no detailed description of other TCM theories such as 12 pairs of brain nerves, 5 pairs of sacral nerves and 8 pairs of cervical nerves. However, just the combination of the pulse-taking theory and the thoracic 12 nerve has evolved the theory of vascular arteries in TCM, which is used to guide the treatment of diseases, thus producing a clinical effect of 1+1 far greater than 2. The world medical community is gradually aware of the objective existence of meridian, but there has been no anatomy, morphology, physiology for meridian material basis, activity rules and mechanism of action of the system and comprehensive explanation. Only a series of hypotheses have been put forward [2], such as the theory of quasi-conduction, the theory of plant-like neural connection system of body surface viscera, the theory of humor-neural regulation, the theory of qi -- blood channel, the theory of human self-control system, the hypothesis of double reflex, the hypothesis of meridian -- cortical-viscera connection, the hypothesis of low-impedance meridian and so on.Based on the big data analysis of related meridian diseases, the objective existence of meridian is almost proved, including low resistance to meridian circulation, luminescence and vocal phenomenon, meridian circulation skin disease, meridian transmission, etc., and a series of basic researches have been carried out accordingly. James Gimzewski of the University of California, Los Angeles, believes that [3] cells, from generation to death, vibrate at different frequencies at different stages and appear in the form of sounds that represent a particular meaning. To hear the sound of cells, it is necessary to monitor the extremely subtle sounds that are emitted on a large scale and distinguish them from other cells, and then analyze and process the massive data collected on a large scale. Such an instrument can be referred to as a cell stethoscope. Today, this AI technology has been introduced and applied in metal fatigue and structural flaw detection. In the medical diagnosis, more than 1000 independent stethoscopes are simultaneously monitored, and the collected audio signals are transmitted to computers. After high-speed operation analysis using a dedicated language, the automatic rendering is automatically reproduced on the display screen. Real-time monitoring of cell sounds, and dynamic comparison of cell frequency changes through deep learning, giving early warning of physical health.

3. Mechanism of Action of TCM TCM should play a therapeutic role by regulating the pH value of body fluids and the fit of drug targets in the body. 3.1 The Effect of TCM on Regulating the pH of Body Fluids The absorption of TCM through the digestive system can regulate the acid-base microbalance of the inner and outer cells of the cell, regulate the yin and yang microbalance of the body, and let the body reach a dynamic acid-base balance. In a sense, it is speculated that hydroxide ions belong to "yin" in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, while hydrogen ions belong to "yang", and the whole body's yin and yang tend to balance, and it restores health [4]. But inside the body, it is not so simple, or it is presented in the form of organic acids and organic bases. 3.2 Topological Structure and Efficacy of TCM According to the 2004 FDA published botanical drug industry guide, you only need to prove two points to apply for a new Chinese medicine. One is non-toxic and the other is effective. TCM should be proven to be effective, and it is not necessary to identify the active ingredients, and it is not necessary to clarify the precise pharmacology [5]. Simply perform a randomized, double-blind trial with a blank (placebo) control to prove that it is indeed effective. However, if there is no more accurate analysis of structure and function, it is a short board. The efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine should be closely related to its chemical composition, and traditional Chinese medicines with the same or similar active functional groups often have similar pharmacological effects, that is, the sexual taste of Chinese medicine is related to chemical structure and composition [6]. A traditional Chinese medicine preparation containing a specific chemical structural component is excreted in the body by a specific receptor or in combination with a foreign body invading the body, thereby forming a multi-molecular and multi-target therapeutic mechanism [7]. With the change of compatibility of traditional Chinese medicines, the number of active functional groups and the molecular structure have changed to some extent, and specific attacks on the lesions are made according to individual differences of patients. Topology can be used to analyze the complex three-dimensional structure in natural sciences, and even to explore the topological invariants of the molecular structure of complex Chinese medicine preparations. After characterization, the effective molecular structure diagram of traditional Chinese medicines is established, and the quantitative relationship between structure and performance is utilized. To predict the nature of active groups of traditional Chinese medicine and to guide the compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine. Such a molecular structure diagram can be expressed as: G(V, E). Vertex set: V={V 1 ,...V n }; Edge set: E = { e 1 ,..., e m}; e = [V i , V j] is the line between 2 vertices V i and V j . Each vertex represents an atom in the molecule, and each edge represents a chemical bond formed between the atoms [8]. Topological methods are used to find the various invariants in the molecular structure diagram, namely the topological index. The topological index is correlated with various physical and chemical properties of the molecule to model the physical and chemical properties of the material. The molecular structure of the compound determines the topological invariant. All compounds, including a traditional Chinese medicine or a combination of several traditional Chinese medicines, can obtain topological invariants in the active functional groups, which can basically reflect the nature of the bonds in the active functional group molecules. Structural information such as the order of bonding between atoms, the degree of branching of molecules, and the shape of molecules, and is not limited by experience and experiment, and has broad application prospects in the study of quantitative structure-activity relationship of traditional Chinese medicine [9]. Through the correspondence analysis of "structure-activity", determine the structure of active functional groups of traditional Chinese medicine, and then determine the mechanism of action of such structures on the treatment of certain diseases, on an organ or tissue in the human body, and improve the compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions. The determination of the toxic side effects and the formation of new and more effective prescriptions have a promising bright future.

4. Speculation of Acupuncture Points-More Applications of Acupuncture Anesthesia Acupuncture has the effect of clearing and closing the meridians. Most of the acupuncture is a dredge, a small amount of acupuncture has a closing effect, and acupuncture anesthesia is closed. Acupuncture anesthesia has many advantages. It can avoid excessive use of anesthetic drugs, prevent operation errors caused by medical source diseases and drug numbness, and thus improve the safety factor of surgery. Moreover, patients are always awake during surgery, and can understand in time. The patient's feelings, adjust the surgical plan. Although it sometimes causes pain, this should be related to the inability to completely inhibit the reaction of the organs. But it will not cause death. Acupuncture is especially suitable for heart, kidney dysfunction, drug allergy, and elderly and infirm, but because almost all hospitals in China and China are not in a department, they are rarely used in surgery. It has been proved that there are abundant sympathetic nerve endings around the meridian points, which have low resistance characteristics. After the sympathetic nerve is damaged, the acupoints lose such low resistance characteristics, which should be related to the unique electronic sensing and resonance of the meridians, and the acupuncture will strengthen or weaken the vibration of the cell and change the resistance value. Adjusting the direction, angle and depth of the acupuncture can adjust the frequency and wavelength of the cell resonance, produce a sense of needle, and treat the disease

5. Hypothesis of Syndrome Differentiation 5.1. Yin and yang The essence of Yin and Yang is the conversion and transmission of energy and matter. Yin sheng Yang decline, Yang sheng Yin decline, mutual transformation. For instance, the body lacks vitamin B2 after the person stays up late, the education of trace element zinc increases, the Yang deficiency phenomenon that shows Chinese medicine, right now inside body is in physiology acidity condition. The heat of the sun is the driving force of change in nature. As far as the human body is concerned, Yin and Yang are the embodiment of relative energy conversion: warm for Yang, cold for Yin, when Yang is full, metabolism is accelerated, when Yin is full, a particular organ may produce the accumulation of certain nutrients. Under normal physiological state, Yin and Yang are in a state of relative balance, physiological acidity and physiological alkalinity are in a state of balance, and kinetic energy and potential energy are in a state of relative balance. From the day a baby is born, there is no absolute balance between Yin and Yang, but it tends to balance with the help of food, medicine and physical therapy. When balance is difficult to maintain, people's life is basically in the end. 5.2 Deficiency and Evidence When the evil spirits are strong, and the righteousness is enough to compete with the evil gas, there is generally a deficiency of deficiency; when the righteousness is insufficient and the resistance to disease is weakened, it is manifested as a deficiency syndrome, although the righteousness can resist evil, but the strength is obviously insufficient. A virtual and physical syndrome can be different from the original. The symptoms of deficiency and deficiency are related to the lack of excess trace elements in the body. Excessive intake of trace elements such as zinc, manganese and iron is evidenced, while lack of evidence is deficiency [10]. The intake of trace elements is also related to the intake of vitamins and proteins. 5.3. Inside and Outside the research methods and contents of proteomics are similar to those of traditional Chinese medicine. The so-called “inside” is the external syndrome of traditional Chinese medicine, which is a summary of the pathogenesis of a certain stage in the course of disease development, and the state of the integrated action of internal and environmental factors on the body. Protein level reflects the specificity of cells or tissues, and clinical symptoms and signs have an inevitable internal relationship, which is “li” in TCM. The diversity of TCM syndromes and the difference in proteome expression are inevitably and inherently related. The complex relationship between protein molecules presents multiple functional activities of cells, which is the material basis for the microcosmic changes in vivo before and after the occurrence of TCM syndromes. It is of great significance to explore the scientific connotation of TCM syndrome accumulation theory. In theory, the appearance and appearance of TCM can be shown by the pulse condition.The resonance of the meridians will be concentrated in the pulse, thus judging the lesions of the viscera [11]. 5.4. Cold and Hot Due to changes in external temperature, lead to physiological pathological changes in humans. In the Yang excessiveness state, in order to maintain the balance of the internal environment, the cold drug receptor will increase and the heat drug receptor will decrease. Even if the same dose of cold medicine and hot medicine are simultaneously applied, the absorption of cold medicine by Yang excessiveness cells will be more dominant, so as to return to the cold and heat balance state. The cells in the cold-heat balance disorder will preferentially take the drugs that can correct the disorder, and thus get adjusted. At this time, the presence of the heat drugs may have little effect on the balance. When the cold drug and the heat drug simultaneously act, the body tends to balance [12]. Yang excessiveness cells should reject hot drugs, and Yin excessiveness cells may repel cold drugs. Considering the problem of drug return, we can reduce the side effects of traditional Chinese medicine to a minimum.

6. The Concept of qi 6.1. The essence of qi is the metabolism of human body. It's what happens when hemoglobin transports oxygen to the alveoli and expels carbon dioxide. 6.2. The "yin and yang" of Chinese medicine theory is originally a system. “Dao begets One, One begets Two, Two begets Three, Three begets all things”. In addition to referring to "qi", it should also have another meaning, namely “one system”, which is the unity of Yin and Yang, and its essence is “one” [13]. 6.3. The “righteousness” in TCM theory is similar to the normal immune function of Western medicine [14]. As the saying goes, “keep healthy, do not be evil”, that is, righteousness plays a role in protecting the human body from evil spirits. In Western medicine, the immune system has three functions of immune surveillance, immune defense and immune self-stabilization, and timely removal of pathogenic microorganisms and Alien, keep the body healthy.

7. Prospective Clinical Application Prospects 7.1. Through the study of cell resonance, we can find out the natural frequency and range of variation of different meridians in the normal body, and then obtain the pathological manifestations of the body when the frequency is abnormal. In this way, the normal cell vibration frequency is restored by acupuncture and the vibration frequency, which will accelerate the recovery of health. 7.2. It is possible to theoretically speculate on the effective active groups of traditional Chinese medicines, and then combine new prescriptions, optimize the original prescriptions, and eliminate the bad prescriptions. The above retesting conjectures are based on the development of modern science and technology and the results of related disciplines. Through repeated scientific experiments, the ancient Chinese medicine will be full of vitality. It is believed that the theories of traditional Chinese medicine will be integrated rapidly, so that the traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine can be more perfectly integrated and benefit mankind.

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Wang Tianqi. Retesting Conjecture of Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2020