Research on Agricultural Structure Under the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

1. Abstract The adjustment of the agricultural industrial structure is a process of adapting to the laws of market development and reflecting a country's resource endowments and comparative advantages. After the outbreak of the COVID-19, China's agricultural economy has been affected. From the perspective of agricultural industrial structure adjustment, this article analyzes the reasons for the impact of the agricultural economy under the epidemic conditions and measures to promote the healthy development of the agricultural economy.

Keywords: COVID-19; Agricultural restructuring; Agriculture economy; The farmers' income.

2. Introduction In the agricultural and rural economic work, one of the most important tasks is the adjustment and optimization of the agricultural structure [1]. Accelerating the adjustment of the agricultural structure plays an important role in advancing the supply-side structural reform of the agricultural industry [2]. Therefore, during the period of the new crown epidemic, we should study the impact on farmers’ income, adjust and improve the agricultural structure in a targeted manner [3], propose correct improvement measures, and realize the overall scientific and reasonable agricultural structure, which is important for realizing the improvement of comprehensive agricultural benefits and competitiveness, and It plays an important role in increasing the income of farmers [4]. What’s more, the COVID-19 has made people fully aware of the importance of the ecological environment and food. The common people have made a major change in the consumption of agricultural products, and they truly attach importance to the health and safety of agricultural products. This is a good time to promote the development of agricultural economy [5].

3. Data Analysis The epidemic has brought a lot of challenges to the transportation and marketing of agricultural products, and some agricultural products have slowed down. For example, the wholesale price of white radish in Shouguang Logistics Park was 1-1.5 yuan/jin on January 28, and fell to 0.3 yuan/jin on January 31. Fruits and vegetables in the season were more severely affected, and the trading volume dropped sharply. From the figure2, we can see the pork production experienced a relatively large decline in 2019, which led to an increase in pork prices.

4. Case Analysis 1. From the perspective of the industrial chain, the circulation links are greatly affected. Since the end of January, all localities have implemented traffic control in order to prevent and control the epidemic, which plays an important role in cutting off the spread of the virus, but it also brings considerable challenges to the transportation and marketing of agricultural products, and some agricultural products are unsalable. From the perspective of the industrial chain, the circulation links are greatly affected. Since the end of January, all localities have implemented traffic control in order to prevent and control the epidemic, which plays an important role in cutting off the spread of the virus, but it also brings considerable challenges to the transportation and marketing of agricultural products, and some agricultural products are unsalable [6].

5. Methods 5. 1. Scientifically and Rationally Adjust and Optimize the Agricultural Structure In the management and implementation of agricultural production, attention should be paid to further strengthening the basic position of agriculture, especially to promote the coordinated development of food crops, cash crops, feed crops, and agriculture and animal husbandry, focusing on the actual conditions of different regions, especially according to different places. The spatial distribution of agricultural resources and other actual conditions, strengthen the construction level of agricultural industrial infrastructure, and actively develop dominant agricultural products with obvious advantages and special characteristics [8].

5. 2. Do A Good Job in Response to the COVID-19 5. 2. 1. Strengthen Circulation Managementn Ensure the smooth flow of goods, unblock green channels, realize the docking of supply and demand, and severely crack down on behaviors such as raising vegetable prices and meat prices to ensure market supply. Implement the green channel policy for the transportation of fresh agricultural products in accordance with the requirements of the notice issued by the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council [9].

5. 2. 2. Ensure Food Supply Give full play to the role of new agricultural business entities, especially farmers' cooperatives and related enterprises, by timely understanding the supply and demand information of major agricultural products, rationally arranging the production of important agricultural products such as vegetables, livestock and poultry, maintaining normal production order, and ensuring effective food supply.

5. 2. 3. Strengthen Labor Guidance and Services For Companies Affected by the Epidemic Support enterprises to pay migrant workers' wages on time. By reducing or exempting corporate rents, reducing guarantee rates, deferring payment of taxes, returning unemployment insurance premiums, and increasing employment subsidies, we help small, medium and micro enterprises to cope with the epidemic and tide over difficulties. For migrant workers who are temporarily unable to provide normal labor due to isolation, observation, treatment or emergency measures taken by the government, the enterprise shall not terminate the labor contract or return the dispatched labor [10].

5. 3. Accelerate the Adjustment and Expansion of the Agricultural Industry Chain Promote the adjustment of the agricultural structure and increase the income of farmers [11]. The integration and optimization of crops in the production, processing, and circulation links can achieve the extension of the agricultural industry chain, promote the deepening of agricultural adjustment, and effectively make up for the shortcomings in traditional agricultural operations. It is necessary to accelerate the development of the entire industrial chain of agricultural products in planting, storage, processing and marketing, especially to accelerate the cultivation of leading agricultural enterprises, promote the increase of the value of agricultural products, and realize the improvement of agricultural production efficiency and farmers' income [12].

5. 4. Develop and Cultivate Characteristic Economic Industries Combining the comprehensive factors of local resources, transportation location, industrial structure, etc., adhere to one town, one industry, one village, one brand, and promote as a whole, create your own characteristic industries and products, expand your advantages, vigorously cultivate market highlights, and develop suitable for yourself Develop new ways to form an industrial pattern with reasonable layout, regional concentration and high degree of specialization [13]. While actively developing the agricultural industry economy, actively introduce multiple economic growth channels to break the unitary development pattern [14].

6. Conclusion The current global epidemic situation and the world economic situation are still severe and complex, and the challenges facing agricultural development are unprecedented. We must not relax the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and focus on the work of the epidemic conditions in rural economic and social development and the adjustment of agricultural structure In addition, in the process of agricultural restructuring, it is necessary to encourage the overall planning and construction of a modern agricultural industrial system based on the specific impact on farmers’ income [15]. Optimizing the layout of agricultural production and designing multiple channels to promote the income of farmers are also of great significance for promoting the sustainable development of the agricultural economy [16].

7. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Philosophical and Social Sciences Research Project of Hubei Education Department (19Y049), and the Staring Research Foundation for the Ph.D. of Hubei University of Technology (BSQD2019054).

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Bin Zhao. Research on Agricultural Structure Under the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2021