Renal failureand Quality of Life Indicatorsin Kidney Transplantation

1. Abstract Health-related quality of life (HRQL) contains many aspects of patients'healthsuchasphysical,psychological,socialfunctioning andageneralwell-being.Progressinrenaltransplantationandimmunosuppressive therapies have increased significantly in recent decades, resulting in allograft survival rates at one year is now over 90%. Numerous clinical trials have established the importance of quality of life in a variety of diseases, and it is extremely populartoevaluatequalityoflifeinclinicaltrialsasameasureof patients' subjective state of health. The purpose of the study was to identify factors associated with quality of life after renal transplantation.

2. Introduction Kidneytransplantationisthetreatmentofchoiceinendstagerenal failure. The transplantation may be the focus for increasing survival and to maximize quality of life. However, there are certain factorsthatmayaffectthequalityoflifeaftertransplantation,such assideeffectsfromhighlyimmunosuppressivedrugs,thepresence ofcommondiseasestatesandthepossibilityofrejection.Themain goaloftransplantationistoachievemaximumqualityandlongev- ity while minimizing the impact of disease and health care costs. HRQLisalsoprogressivelybeingrecognizedasanimportantoutcome measure after organ transplantation.Along with other indicators related to patient improvement and graft survival, qualityoflifehasbeenassessedasavalidoutcomemeasure.Researcho n quality of life aims to lead to a broader view of subjective health, astheyconsiderhealthtobeapuzzleofgeneralwell-being.It is generally accepted that patients with a functional kidney transplanthaveanimprovedqualityoflifecomparedtopatientsundergoingdialysis.Specifictoolsinassessingthequalityoflifein kidney transplant are: the kidney transplant questionnaire (KTQ), the quality of life in kidney disease (KDQOL), and the transplant unit's end-stage renal disease (ESRDSC-TM) checklist. The ESRDSC-TM was developed specifically to evaluate the effects of immunosuppressivedrugsonqualityoflife.Theauthorsscreened more than 400 transplant patients and evaluated the re-screening correlation in a subset of 88 patients over a one-year period and found sufficient validity. General tools are used for comparisons between groups and studies and to assess the impact of different diseasesonqualityoflife(QOL).Thesetoolsareusedinresearch and are as follows: Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), the 36-item modifiedmedicalOutcomesSurvey(SF-36),andtheNottingham HealthProfile(NHP).Withmorethan200publications,theSF-36 is one of the most widely used tools for assessing quality of life [1- 16].

3. Results ThereisevidencefortheuseoftheSF-36inpatientswithchronic renalfailure.TheEQ-5Disfavoredamongthepreferredmeasurements, as there is more evidence, but this ratio applicable to the above. Since multidimensional specific renal disease measurements in KDQOLincludes most evidence. Given this overlap betweentheSF-36andKDQOL,thereissomebenefitwhenusedin the same survey, unlike the combination of EQ-5D and KDQOL provides additional information about the perception of patients for kidney disease. While the idea of using a short questionnaire basedonseveritywouldbeverygood,themainbenefitwouldonly controlorrecognitionofsymptoms.TheSF-36istheonlygeneral measurement with good properties and functional characteristics. Further more psychometric criteria can be reproduced when administeredasautonomousaspossible, andwhenusedinconjunc-tion with KDQOL questionnaire. The EQ-5D appears to have a favorable use, since three of the four studies that used the EQ-5D wereconductedintheUK.Theevidenceshowhighresponserates.

4. Conclusion Ingeneral,qualityoflifeimprovedafterasuccessfulkidneytransplant compared with dialysis patients, and the effect was more pronounced in men than in women. These studies clearly show that kidney transplantation is not only the cheapest long-term replacementtherapy,butisalsoassociatedwithlowermortalityand better quality of life for patients.

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Maria Dalamagka. Renal failureand Quality of Life Indicatorsin Kidney Transplantation. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2022