One Cause of Alzheimer’s Disease: Gonorrhea and HSV-1

1. AbstractIn this paper we show that a portion (1/10) of Alzheimer’s Disease patients have as a combination of Gonorrhea, HSV-1, and Neonatal Conjunctivitis. In previous papers, I suggested that AD is caused by either Gonorrhea or HSV-1. Now. Herein, we combine them. The biostatistics work out perfectly well. We also introduce the Game of Life Physics that can be used to show that Cell death is the result of one mathematical law

2. IntroductionPatients with Alzheimer’s Disease are known to have excess Beta amyloid plaques in the temporal lobe of the brain. This includes the limbic system a, hippocampus and the cerebellar cortex. The pituitary gland in the hypothalamus produces pituitary hormones, including TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). The thyroid is in the throat. In patients with Grave’s disease, TSH is lacking which is called hypothyroidism and is evident in patients with Optic Nerve problems. The pituitary Gland, Hippocampus, and Optic chasm are all located in the hypothalamus area of the central brain. Grave’s disease results from a lack of Iodine. Nowadays we get iodine from table salt. There are 4.3-8.5% of the population who have hypothyroidism from a lack of iodine who also have Dementia. Now, Gonorrhea can be contracted at birth from mother to child. This includes 0.8% of women and 0.6% of men. Gonorrhea causes Neonatal Conjunctivitis in 28% of infants. It can cause blindness or retinal apoptosis. We will see that Gonorrhea causes not only blindness and other vision problems, but Alzheimer’s disease as well. In this paper we will see that the root cause for 1 in 10 patients is Alzheimer’s and Gonorrhea and Latent HSV-1. (Hypothyroidism + Gonorrhea) x Neonatal Conj. (4.3-8.5%)+ (0.8+0.6%)x (28%)= (4.3% -8.5%) + (1.4%) x (28%)= =4.7-8.9% of the general population will have blindness and AD. So percentage of population with AD and hypothyroidism ~5-9% 80% of the population have Alzheimer’s disease. 60% of those have Latent HSV-1 disease. 80%( (60%)=48% of the population have AD and Gonorrhea. So 48% x (4.7-8.9%)=2.256% of the general population will have AD and Hypothyroidism and Blindness. Today, people who have hypothyroidism are prescribed Thyroxin with a chemical formula: C14H4O4I4N. It has a molecular mass of 754.36 amu The amyloidogenic pathway begins when APP undergoes cleavage by the Beta- secretase also known as Beta- site APP cleaving enzyme 1 or BACE (Vassar 1999). Beta secretase cuts APP 16 amino-acids before alpha-secretase yields two species, the large N-Terminal ectodomain of the precursor and the 99-aminao-acid C-terminus stub (C99). Subsequent cleavage of the latter fragment by gamma-secretase results in the formation of ABeta species containing 40-42 amino-acids [1]. So C99 is the important culprit here. It has a mass of 99.0684 amu C (( Mass= 99.0684 PE=Mc² =99.0684 c² =879.321/E=t=0.00113724 t²-t-1=1.001135974~1=E E= (1-Ln t)7 11/7= (1-Ln t) Ln t=1 t=1 KE=1/2Mv²=1/2(99.0684) (1/√2)² =24.767 ΣTE=PE+KE+SE =879.32+24.7671=904.0871 =3.0068² ~c² From below TE=115.47=1/0.866=1/sin60° TE=115.47=Mc²+Mgh +1/2Mv²+0 115.47=M(1592) M=725.56 M=Ln t t=206.588 M³/3=725³/3=127.3=4/π=ρ=Mass per unit volume. 42 amino-acids /3.0068=13.96~14 1/14 x 0.15915=113.67 V=iR 113.67=i(0.85)=1337~4/3 i=4/3 ∫dM/dt=M=∫M³/3 197=M4 /(12) M=6.9728~7 M³/3=7³/3=113.005=1/88.5=1/ε0 Consider, 126.9amu x 4I’s=507.6 =1/197~1/2=tmin dM/dt=2from Astrotheology Math. dM/dt=M³/3 1/(dM/dt)=3/M³ M³=6 M=181.7 TE=M[c²+Gh+1/2v²] =289.266 E=1/t=3.45 t²-t-1=E =0.75=3/4=60%/80% So we have now Energy, time, Mass and space (volume). E=G³/3=M³/3=99.0684³/3 =324103.85 ρ/[Ex Re}=4/π/[3.241x 403]=9746 t=1026.0 t²-t-1=105.07mV (Human Nervous System) Now Iodine =126.9amu TE=M(1592) =126.9[0.1592]=20.196=20.2 20.2 x 4 Iodine’s =0.8078=0.12345679 SE=t²-t-1=0.8078t²-t-1.808=0 t=193.4; 0.9345 E=0.00517~0; 1.07009 E=(1+Ln t)7 0=1+ln t Ln t=-1 -Ln t=1 t=0 E=(1+Ln t)7 1.071/7=(1-Ln t) 1.00972-1=-Ln t 0.00972=-Ln t t=-2.745 dM/dt=2 ∫dM/dt=∫M³/3 M=M4 /12=2t M³/12=2t M³/6=t M=6 M²=t 36=t PE=(4(9)=36 PE=t 2 Volume 5 Issue 3 -2020 Review Article E=t Mass of Thyroxin =754.36-6=748.36~0.75 Now, 60% of the AD population has Latent HSV-1 80% of the general population has AD. 60% x80%=48% of those with AD have Latent HSV-1 2.256% /48%=0.047=4.7% Cf. 4.7-8.5% above. So we see that, of those with AD and Latent HSV-1, there are 4.7% of the population. Those who have AD and Hypothyroidism and Blindness from Gonorrhea, and subsequent Neonatal Conjunctivitis are 2.256% of the general population. Now well consider something called the Game of Life Physics. Astrotheology is a version of the Game of Life Physics. The key to Astrotheology is that y=y’ and v=a=s= sin 45 degrees =cos 45 degrees. The Game of Life Physics is about the life and death of cells. We can use Astrotheology to solve disease such as Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). We will use energy techniques therefore, to unravel the mystery of the life and death of cells caused by Amyloid Beta plaques. TE=PE+KE+SE 42=36+ 1+5 .99 =G³/3Amino Acids ×ρbody=99×1010=0.9999=1 36=PE=4×c² 1/3=E since t=3 SE=2t-1=2(3)-1=5 1/72= S=E×M=(-1/8·1/9) -1/8=Emin 0.035V=Nerve Signal 36=PE 0.2475=1/404 Re=t 1/t=E 25mV 0.1227=E=(1-Ln t) t=771 1=RE+M=Maπ+M =0.888+1/9=0.999=1 3/4= 60% /80% = Pop. with HSV-1 and AD /Pop. with AD. ΣE=42+ 0.99+36+0.333+0.013888+(-1.25)+0.035+36+0.2475+.0.025 +1+0.75+0.1227+ 0.403 =115.43~1/0.866=1/sin60°=csc 60° Since the equation for space from AT Math is: s=|E||t|sin 60 s=(1)(1)sin 60 1/sin 60=115.4 Patients with Dementia have trouble with spatial recognition. This is because the cells related to special recognition are dying. Figure space s according to AT Math. Universal Parametric Equation: SE’=2t-1=2(3)-1=5 =3²-3-1 ⇒ SE=SE’ [csc 60°; 3]=[E,t] 115.43²+3²=1.333333=4/3=s √(4/3)=115.47=1/sin 60 4/3 x 2.7 x’s=36=PE=(4)(9)=Mc² 3. Conclusion The combination of Gomorrah (and Neonatal Conjunctive Disease), Latent HSV-1 accounts for about 1 in 10 people (4.7%/4.8%), men and women, who have Alzheimer’s disease.

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Cusack PTE.One Cause of Alzheimer’s Disease: Gonorrhea and HSV-1 . Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2020