Modified Elmslie-Trillat Technique for Knee CapDislocation: A Retrospective Study with 5 Patients and 1 Year Follow-Up

1. Introduction Knee capdislocation is acommonor thopedicinjury that canlead to significantpain, instability and kneedys function. Surgical management of knee cap dislocation involves various techniques including anteromedialisation and arthroscopic lateral release. The modifiedElmslie-Trillattechniquecombinesthesetwoprocedures foramorecomprehensiveandeffectivetreatment.Theaimofthis retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of the modified Elmslie-Trillat technique for knee cap dislocation in a series of 5 patients.

Keywords: Anteromedialisation; Elmslie-Trillat

2. Methods2. Methods Thestudyincluded5patientswhounderwentmodified ElmslieTrillat technique for knee cap dislocation. Clinical eval- uations were performed preoperatively and at 6-month follow-up after the surgery. VisualAnalog Scale (VAS) was used to assess the patients’ pain levels, while the knee function was evaluated using the Kujala score. Radiographs were also obtained to assess the patellar position and alignment (Figure 1).

3. Results TheaveragepreoperativeVASpainscorewas7.6andtheaverage Kujalascorewas68.2.At6-monthfollow-up,theaverageVAS pain score was 1.8 and the average Kujala score was 89.2. There was significant improvement in both pain and knee function after thesurgery(p< 0.05).Radiographsshowedsatisfactorypatellarposition and alignment in all 5 patients (Figure 2).

4. Discussion The modified Elmslie-Trillat technique is an effective surgical option for knee cap dislocation. The combination of anteromedialisation and arthroscopic lateral release provides comprehensive andeffectivetreatmentforkneecapdislocation.Theresultsofthis study demonstrate that the modified Elmslie-Trillat technique isa safe and effective surgical option for knee cap dislocation with good clinical outcomes in terms of pain reduction and improved knee function.

5. Conclusion ThemodifiedElmslie-Trillattechniqueisasafeandeffectivesur- gical option for knee cap dislocation with good clinical outcomes in terms of pain reduction and improved knee function. Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed to confirm the results ofthisstudyandprovidemoredefinitiveevidenceontheeffectiveness of this technique.

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Mitev Konstantin. Modified Elmslie-Trillat Technique for Knee CapDislocation: A Retrospective Study with 5 Patients and 1 Year Follow-Up. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2023