Malignant Pheochromocytoma with Brain Abscess Inducedby Nocardia Infection after Treatment with Cyclophosphamide (CVD), 5-Fluorouracil (FU) and Carboplatin (CBDCA)

1. Abstract

A 47 years old man who had been diagnosed as malignant pheochromocytoma with metastases of lumbar spines at 21 years old. He had received partial tumor abscission, radiotherapy and 131I-MIBG treatment, He had been suffered from gait disturbance for spinal compression by the metastasis of vertebralspinesat42yearsold.CVDtreatmentand5-FU+CBDCAtreatmenthadbeenperformedfor 13cycles.Aftertreatmentwith5-FUandCBDCA,MRIimagingshowedbrainabscessanddrainage for brain abscess had been done. Nocardiafarcinicawas identified in his brain abscess. Treatment with ST combination vanished brain abscess by MRI imaging

2. Keywords

Malignant pheochromocytoma; Nocardia

3. Introduction

Pheochromocytoma is a catecholamine developing tumor originatedfromchromaffintissue.Extra-adrenaltumorhadbeencalled asparaganglioma.Metastaticmalignantpheochromocytomatoits non-chromaffin tissues was found in 10-35% of paraganglioma. Metastasistothebone,liver,lungs,andlymphnodesidentifiedas nonchromaffin tissues, had been appeared, which was called as malignant pheochromocytoma [1]. CVD treatments (750mg/m2 cyclophosphamide, 1.4mg/m2 vincristine, 600mg/m2 dacarbazine) had been used as general chemotherapy [2, 4]. Serious problem should be pointed out the side effects such as myelosuppression and immunosuppression in spite of a tumor reduction. Nocardia infectionwasappearedintheimmunosuppressionduringanticancertreatments.Nocardiaarehabituallyalivinginsoiland20-30% of pulmonary nocardiosis spreads to the central nervous system. Nocardiosis in the central nervous system had been found as the brain abscess [3]. We have reported a malignant pheochromocytomawithabrainabscesscausedbynocardiosisafterCVD,5-FU andCBDCAtreatments(600mg/m25-FU,180mg/m2 carboplatin).

4. Casepresentation

A 47 years-old man had been diagnosed as malignant pheochromocytomaofrightadrenalglandwiththemetastasisoflumbar 30- 31 years-old. However, there was no reduction of metastatic bone tumor. He had received radiation therapies in the metastatic lesions such as thoracic vertebra, cervical vertebrae, pelvis and lumbosacralspineat35,38,39and40years-old,respectively.He sufferedfromgaitdisturbanceduetospinalcordcompression,and finally anterior and posterior spinal fixation and decompression operationsandalsoradiationtherapieshadbeendoneforcervical metastaticgrowingtumorat42years-old.Moreover,hewastreated with 5 mg prednisolone. At 44 years-old he became quadriplegia and bedridden. After CVD treatments (750mg/m2 cyclophosphamide,1.4mg/m2vincristineand600mg/m2dacarbazine)for13cycles, fortunately, the reduction of metastatic tumor was observed intheearlyperiod.Next,5-FUandCBDCA(600mg/m25-FUand 180mg/m2 carboplatin) medical treatments at 45-47 years-old for 13cyclesmadenoreductionofmetastatictumor.At47years-old, his left homonymous hemianopsia had developed with anorexia for 1 month after treatment with 5-FU and CBDCA. Physicalexaminationsat47yearsoldwereasfollows:Hisheight andweightwere171.2cmand47.1kg(BMI16.1kg/m2 ),respectively.Bodytemperature:36.3℃,bloodpressure:96/54mmHg,and

5. Discussion

Sixty-four percent of the patients with nocardiosis are immunosuppressive. Nocardia infection was due to using glucocorticoid and anticancer agent and having a malignant tumor, transplantation,HIVinfection,anddiabetesmellitus[3].Inthispatient,5-FU and CBDCA medical treatments with CV catheter had caused the riskfactor.Nocardiaisalwayspresentinthesoilinaerobicmycobacterial. The route of infection might be considered from lungs or skin, and 20% of nocardiosis appeared in brain abscess which has been reported as only solitary brain abscess. As the source of infection in this case, infected skin wound in the posterior cervicallesionafterspinalfixationorCVcathetershouldbesuggested. ThetreatmentfornocardiosishasbeenneededforSTcombination therapy which might be maintained at high concentration in central nervous system for at least one year.

6. Conclusion

Here, we presented a case of malignant pheochromocytoma with improvednocardiosisofbraintreatedwithSTcombinationtherapyafteralongtreatmentwith5-FUandCBDCAanti-tumortreatments. We hope to refer these clinical course and treatments for malignant pheochromocytoma and nocardiosis after strong immunosuppressivetreatments.


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Tiram Y. Malignant Pheochromocytoma with Brain Abscess Inducedby Nocardia Infection after Treatment with Cyclophosphamide (CVD), 5-Fluorouracil (FU) and Carboplatin (CBDCA). Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2020