Intervention of Sleep Quality in The Onset of Concomitant Symptoms in Hospitalized Patients

1. Summary This work allows us to observe the quality of sleep and respect for circadian cycles as very important factors in the development of multiple diseases and in various specialties, which affects in the rapeutic methods, both in external and hospitalized patients and the variety of symptoms that can be observed, through a practical survey method, with the main objective of contributing to the awareness of the importance of sleep hygiene measures and their improvement in the quality of life of patients.

2. Introduction When trying to define sleep it is inevitable to differentiate physiological characteristics in good sleep quality depending on the species, where it is a little easier to list the behavioral characteristics that are associated with the appearance of sleep and try to define it appropriately, where it can be associated with immobility and muscle relaxation, it is a reversible event (which differentiates it from other pathological states such as stupor and coma), decreased consciousness and reactivity to external stimuli and finally during sleep individuals acquire a stereotypical posture [1]. The absence of sleep induces different behavioral and physiological alterations in addition to generating a cumulative debt of sleep that must eventually be recovered. One tool that has been of vital importance for the study of sleep physiology is the electroencephalogram (EEG), which is the graphical and digital representation of oscillations shown by the electrical activity of the brain, when recorded by electrodes placed in different regions of the head. During alert states while keeping your eyes closed in the EEG, you see oscillations of electrical activity that are usually between 8-13 cycles per second, mainly in occipital regions (alpha rhythm) within sleep occur characteristic changes of brain activity that are the basis for dividing sleep into several phases, where it is usually divided into two phases: no rapid eye movements, and with rapid eye movements, and with rapid eye movements [2]. Non-MOR sleep: Phase N1 corresponds to drowsiness or light sleep initiation, slight muscle shakes (acute vertex waves) are usually observed, phase N2 appear specific patterns of brain activity, called sleep spindle and complex k, heart and respiratory rate begins to decrease gradually, phase N3 or slow wave sleep is the deepest phase observed in the EEG very slow frequency activity (<2 Hz)

3. MOR Sleep It is now called the R phase and is characterized by the presence of rapid eye movements, physically all muscle tone decreases. A young adult spends approximately 70-100 min in non-MOR sleep which can last between 5-30 min and this cycle is repeated every hour and a half throughout the night, therefore throughout the night can normally occur between 4 and 6 MOR sleep cycles [3].

4. Sleep Hygiene Sleep hygiene measures are a series of recommendations about desirable behaviors and habits, as well as changes in environmental conditions and other related factors, aimed at improving the sleep quality of people who already suffer from a sleep disorder such Annals of Clinical and Medical as insomnia, or that can be used as measures to prevent sleep disturbance [4]. Although there is no global consensus on what these sleep hygiene measures should be and some of these sleep hygiene measures are transplanted with some forms of non-pharmacological behavioral treatment in general, we can consider (avoid prolonged naps >1 hr. lies down to sleep at the same time daily, wake up at the same time all day, sleep in comfortable bed, sleep in a room with low lighting and little ambient noise) [5].

5. Epidemiology It is estimated that, in our country, about 45% of the adult population has poor sleep quality. This is reflected in the difficulty that people have in getting up, as well as in constant drowsiness and tiredness during the early hours of the morning

6. Method This study uses as a basis the referent method, measuring descriptive ensues, and testing the Pittsburgh sleep quality scale where 20 hospitalized patients are evaluated at the Guadalajara Jalisco regional specialty military hospital assessing the level of sleep quality and which concomitant symptoms are added by poor sleep hygiene, February-May test period [6].

7. Justification This research will focus on studying hygiene habits based on sleep quality in hospitalized patients, since due to work stress or hospital instances it has been seen that patients have directly modified their sleep habits by worsening the quality of life and delaying recovery in the hospital by increasing concomitant symptoms, we then propose to investigate the evolution of pathological patterns and their added symptoms [7], the reasons that led us to investigate the quality of sleep in hospitalized patients lies thanks to the increase in discomfort or sleepiness data referred by patients after staying more than 2 days hospitalized, think ores that through the detailed analysis we will be able to make health personnel awareness to improve sleep hygiene to help the early recovery of concomitant symptoms in patients who are hospitalized [8].

8. Objectives • Clinically observe the behavior of hospitalized patients and their quality in sleep hygiene • Intervene and prevent concomitant pathologies that are associated with poor hygienic sleep habits • Improving the quality of life of hospitalized patients • Awareness of the application of hygiene or good sleep habits to improve the quality of life • Decrease the percentage of symptoms added by decreasing sleep schedules • Locate key events or outstanding sleep quality issues

9. Statistical Population Sampling was carried out where people of both sexes were chosen which were subjected to a descriptive evaluation through direct surveys, where a sample of 20 people with characteristics with a simple random choice type was collected, making a list of hospi participants to form the sample to be studied by means of questionnaires [9].

10. Results A random sample is taken to conduct direct descriptive surveys at the regional military hospital in Guadalajara Jalisco where 14 females and 6 male people are taken with a percentage of 70% female and 30%male. As for the age of there is an ambiguous percentage where it is observed that 30% corresponds to people between the ages of 21 and 30 following in proportion to 15% patients aged31 to 73 years (Figure 1). In marital status 74% of respondents are married, 11% are single, and 15% are divorced, widowed and in free union (Figure 1 and Figure 2). The descriptive surveys did not consider situations of rightsholders in the institution where most of the reported or interviewees were right-to-haves in the asset having the majority percentage with 60% followed by military in the asset where it is denoted that most of the concomitant symptoms corresponded to anxiety and headache. (Figure 3). Among the key questions that are characterized on the Pittsburgh scale manifests bedtime where literally 50% of the patients interviewed would like to go to bed around 10:00 pm and 11:00 pm, while the rest was distributed with 25% who regularly go to bed from 08:00 pm to 09:00 pm and the25% after 12:00 pm (Figure 4) [10]. Continuing the variability of sleep habits and promptly asking the question about the total time it takes to fall asleep indispensable, (Figure 17) where detailed variability between each point and constant resulted in 45% of the studied population falling asleep within the first 10 minutes, while 25% is distributed in patients sleeping within the first 30 minutes and an important fact is that 15% of the patient sample lasts more than 60 minutes to fall asleep (Figure 5). It is worth noting the relevance the time it takes people to sleep and the schedule they have to get up, since it should be noted that within the quality of sleep It is known that a young adult or should sleep an average of7–8 hours, although this amount may vary as it depends on (Figure 16) internal and external factors of society, sea preschooler can sleep between 11 or 12 hours and an older adult between 5 and 6 hours not taking into account the period that sleep during the day, so it is of paramount importance the results in which the percentages of patients who wake up early and sleep late are focused as they begin to have functional and organic damage that are involved in their daily life.

11. Conclusion The big health problem to solve in our country necessarily has to do with habits and because not respecting sleep hours alter biorhythms that translate into clinical problems such as: headache, nerve colitis, depression, anxiety, metabolic and systemic problems. It is important to understand the re-education of our patients in each consultation and sanitary step, since the installation of a proper diet and weight management, as well as a healthy and aerobic sport along with sleep hygiene measures will be the main weapons to attack various diseases in our times.

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Gabriel Miranda Nava. Intervention of Sleep Quality in The Onset of Concomitant Symptoms in Hospitalized Patients. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2021