Giant Portal Vein Aneurysm Incidetaloma

1. Clinical ImageA 40-year-old woman referred by gynecologist. An abdominal ultrasound in the annual revision, a cystic mass in the hepatic hilum was detected. The patient did not present any symptoms, analytical without any alterations, and she did not have a personal history of liver disease on the clinical examination. A Vascular Computed Tomography described a 3.5 cm portal aneurysm dilation. The other findings described were compatible with an arteriovenous fistula secondary to a possible malformation at the splenic artery level. A dynamic liver study, Color-Doopler sonography, and spleen artery arteriography were requested. The presence of liver disease, portal hypertension, and arteriovenous shunts was ruled out. The final diagnosis was asimptomatic portal vein aneurism, probably congenital type. So an annual follow-up was decided.

Bellver M .Giant Portal Vein Aneurysm Incidetaloma . Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2021