Female Emotional Processing: Hydrogen Peroxide & Alzheimer’s Disease

1. AbstractThis paper continues the authors investigation into AD. We find that hydrogen peroxide appears to be the culprit in attacking the Papez circuit, especially in women. Familiarity with AT Math is assumed.

2. IntroductionI recall that women respond to emotional stimulus 7 times fast that do men. In this paper, we will attempt to answer why. The Papez circuit lays out how emotional response is generated in the brain. The action is in the limbic system of the brain. According to Papez, the circuit that underlies emotional processing begins with the hippocampus, leads to the mammillary bodies by way of the postcommissural fornix, and then goes on through the mammillothalamic tract to the thalamus. From there the circuit then loops back to the hippocampus by way of the anterior thalamic, cingulate gyrus, cingulum, and Para hippocampus (Figure 1) [1]. One patient, 84 has AD. She has a problem with her vision in her right eye (right hemisphere). She has Lateral Homonymous Superior Quadrantanopia in her right eye. The Meyer’s loop, which is adjacent to the Amygdala (memory), and part of the optic radiation, is involved in memory. Women make up two thirds of AD patients. There is a connection between women, memory (AD), and Myer’s loop. The connection I hypothesize is hydrogen peroxide (Figure 2-4).115.56 /√3=6.67=G (1/12)+(1/31)=43/372=115.59=E And, (31/12)²=6.67=G PE=KE Mc²=1/2Mv² c²/v²=1/2 v/c=√2=Capacitance v=c√2=3√2=42.426=√18=√9 x √2 6.67/7=1.048~105mV 297/7=42.42 C27H460+SO4 +27O2 +C7 H16NO2  27CO+3H2 S+20H2 O2 CHOLETESROL + CEREBROSIDE + OYYGEN + ACETYLCHOLINE  CARBON MONOXIDE+SULPHATE+HYDROGEN PEROIXIDE. amu C27H46O 386.654 SO4 96.06 O2 32.00 Σ514.714 x6.023 (Avogadro) =31.00 12th prime Number 514.714+146.210=3980 TE=M(0.15915) =(-25)(0.15915)=3979 Cf. 3980 Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that works on the PNS (cranial nerves and spinal nerves). Its chemical formula is: C7H16O2 If we add this to hydrogen peroxide, we get the protein membrane potential ion CO. The formula is: C7H16O2 + H2O2 +O2 3H2O +6H2+ 7CO Acetylcholine + Hydrogen Peroxide + Oxygen  Water + Hydrogen (g) + Nerve Ion Too much acetylcholine results in too many negative ions affecting the flow of the nerve signal.

4. ConclusionFrom an analysis of female emotional responses, it appears once again, that hydrogen peroxide, a toxin, is responsible for Alzheimer’s Disease

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Cusack PTE .Female Emotional Processing: Hydrogen Peroxide & Alzheimer’s Disease . Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2021