Effect of Resistance Exercises with Salvia Officinalis Supplementation on the Response of Some Bio-Hormones in Overweight Male Students

1. Abstract 1.1. Background: The aim of this study was the effect of resistance exercises with sage supplementation on the response of some bio-hormones in overweight male students. 1.2. Methods: 16 of the male students at the Babol Islamic Azad University as subjects in this study were selected and randomly divided into four groups: a control group, Salvia officinalis groups, exercises group and exercises and Salvia officinalis group. The experimental group consisted of 8 weeks of endurance training three times a week. The dependent variable of this study is included TSH, T3, T4, testosterone and cortisol. Blood samples from after 12 hours fast and before and after 8 weeks (48 hours after the last training session) were collected. 1.3. Result: The results showed that endurance training not significant difference in TSH and T3. But T4 mean in pre and posttest has shown that difference means are meaningful increase in extract and train and extract groups. Of course, testosterone mean in pre and posttest has meaningful increase in training and training and extract group. also, Comparison of testosterone means between groups showed that Endurance training group compared to the Salvia officinalis group and training and salvia officinalis groups were significantly different. but cortisol means in pretest and posttest has shown that difference means are meaningful decrease in training and extract group. 1.4. Conclusions: These results suggest that intensity and duration of the exercise training are important and an increase in accessible energy would result in a change in thyroid hormones levels.

Keywords: Resistance Exercises; Salvia Officinalis; Obese Men

2. Introduction Exercises that involve the release of anabolic and catabolic hormone such as testosterone and cortisol will result in little to no accumulation of muscle mass but will burn lots of calories in the process of enhancing cardiovascular fitness. Since the benefits of exercise are virtually all hormonally mediated, it follows logically that manipulating levels of key hormones in the body can produce exaggerated responses to exercise. An example is the use of synthetic testosterone hormone in athletes [1]. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the effects of progressive endurance training with salvia officinalis extract on TSH, T3, T4, testosterone and cortisol in obese men students. Excessive adiposity increases oxidative stress, and thus may play a critical role in the pathogenesis and development of obesity-associated comorbidities, in particular atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and arterial hypertension. Improved body composition, through exercise training and diet, may therefore significantly contribute to a reduction in oxidative stress. Further, some foods high in antioxidants (e.g., salvia officinalis) provide additional defense against oxidation [2, 3]. through exercise training and diet, may therefore significantly contribute to a reduction in oxidative stress. Further, some foods high in antioxidants (e.g., salvia officinalis) provide additional defense against oxidation [6]. We have recently shown that salvia officinalis supplementation, alone or in combination with endurance training, can reduce chronic low-grade inflammation, although the mechanism for this effect is not known. We speculate that the antioxidant properties of salvia officinalis may produce at least some of this beneficial effect. Supplementation with salvia officinalis combined with strength training reduces the damage wreaked by aggressive molecules in obese people, but the combination doesn't work better than either supplementation or training alone [5, 7]. The researchers also looked at the effect of the supplementation and the weight training on the subjects' body composition, and discovered that strength training with or without salvia officinalis led to an increase in lean body mass. The combination group seemed to do better than the strength-training group [8]. Increased activity of the pituitary-thyroid axis, as well as the adrenal cortex, plays a major role in adaptations to exercise training. Moreover, it has been Demonstrated that changes in their secretory activity in response to training are not only closely correlated with muscular work intensity, but also influenced by Food consumption. However, few studies have been published on hormonal regulation during endurance training. In this paper. We report on the changes in concentration of thyroid Stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), testosterone and cortisol in plasma after of endurance training and consumption salvia officinalis extract [9]. Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are iodine- containing hormones secreted from the thyroid gland into blood circulation. Most of the circulating T3 and T4 are bound to serum proteins and only a fraction of them circulates freely. The secretion of T3 and T4 is stimulated by the pituitary hormone TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) by a feedback mechanism [10]. Thyroid hormones have various effects on the reproductive system of the human men. Change in thyroid function, especially hypothyroidism, could be cause lead to impaired male fertility [11]. Hypothyroidism are often accompanied by increased serum free testosterone. These results protect the functional role of moderate exercise in this high-risk population. The results indicated that moderate- intensity exercise without significant weight loss improved several components of the lipoprotein profiles of men [6]. the ratio of testosterone/cortisol is considered to be a suitable biomarker for monitoring the relative anabolic/catabolic state [12]. This ratio might even be used to modify the amount of resistance or endurance training that is performed [11]. It was reported that there was a noticeable increase in the levels of testosterone without a big difference in cortisol levels after maximum endurance training [13]; and this variation in adrenal hormones may be related to subjects having differences in their response to exercise [14]. While, cortisol has a catabolic effect, testosterone is responsible for the stimulation of the anabolic process of skeletal muscle growth which increases linearly in response to exercise [13, 14].

3. Material and Methods 3.1. Participants This study is semi-experimental. statistic society of this study was male students at the Babol Islamic Azad University. 16 obese males [88±4.7 kg body weight, aged 21±2 years] volunteered for participation after receiving a detailed explanation of the study. All the participants had to meet the following criteria prior to enrollment in the study: no regular participation in physical activity, no current chronic health problems, nonsmokers, no cardiovascular, metabolic, or respiratory disease; and no consumption of any dietary antioxidant supplements or drugs within the past 6 months. 3.2. Research Design Subjects were randomly assigned to 4 groups, control group, Salvia officinalis groups, training group, training and Salvia officinalis group. Then salvia officinalis extract dried in exposure to air without any exposition to sunlight, on a clean textile. For better drying the plants were high and down until they lost their water. Dried mistletoe (leaf and stem) homogenized to affine powder. Distilled water (100 ml-70-80) was poured in Erlenmeyer flask containing 30 g powdered material and placed in Ben Murray for 24 hours in 60). Then removed from the heat source and then was filtered. Each subject consumed 10 mg/kg/day of extract for six weeks of intervention [16, 17]. All anthropometric measurements were performed by the same specialist person on the day the blood samples were taken. Height and weight were measured while the participants wore only underwear, and BMI [body weight (kg)/height (m2)] was calculated. Body obese percent (BF%) was estimated from skin-fold measurements taken on the right side of the body at the triceps, abdominal, and suprailiac sites after 10 hours of fasting, and calculated using the formula of Bro-zek et al. [18]. All subjects in training group, training and Salvia officinalis group performed 40 min of endurance training 3 d/wk at 60-75% maximum heart rate reserve (MHRR). The rest period, as running slow and ranges ٪35-45 heart rate reserve and were running about two minutes. 3.3. Data Analysis All tests were carried out early in the afternoon, after the subjects had fasted for the previous 8h. Successive tests were separated by a day's rest. Measurements were made toward the end of the training season. Heart rate was continuously recorded during exercise by Polar Vantage XL telemetric heart rate monitors. Blood samples (10 ml) were obtained from an antecubital vein after resting in a supine position for 15min before, and immediately (less than 30 sec) after each training event. Plasma TSH, T4, T3, testosterone and cortisol were measured by Quality Immunoassay Kits from company Diagnostics Biochem Canada Inc (DBC). 3.4. Procedure To demonstrate the effectiveness of the independent variable and the comparison between groups, t-test and ANOVA were used. To determine differences between the groups, the Scheffe test was used that showed significant changes in any of the variables. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS23 Software.

4. Results Results of research has shown that 8 weeks of endurance training program causes decrease in weight body and Obese mass (p≤0.05). The effects of endurance training and salvia officinalis extract on TSH, T3, T4, testosterone and cortisol shown for the groups in table 1.

5. Conclusions In conclusion, the results of this study indicated that endurance training not significant difference in TSH means in any of the four groups also T3 in pre and posttest was not meaningful in four groups. but T4 mean in pre and posttest has shown that difference means are meaningful increase in extract and train and extract groups. Of course, testosterone mean in pre and posttest has shown that meaningful increase in training and training and extract group. but cortisol mean in pretest and posttest has shown that difference means are meaningful decrease in training and extract group. The investigation revealed that examined the thyroid hormone levels of professional cyclists during a 3-week stage competition, they concluded that serum T4, FT4 and FT3 levels showed a significant increase by the last week of competition while concentrations of TSH and T3 remained unchanged [3, 19]. Exercise training and consumption of foods rich in antioxidants may increase physiological antioxidant defenses and thus minimizes oxidative stress. This study investigated the effects of A potential mechanism for the endurance training-induced reduction of oxidant stress could include contraction-induced antioxidant enzyme upregulation [3, 15, 20]. Other research showed that there were no statistically significant differences among three measurements in the serum levels of TSH and thyroid hormones [3, 6]. This current study shows that as compared to the thyroid hormone values during low intensity exercise (45% max. heart rate), there is an increase in TSH values at moderate intensity (70% max. heart rate) and high intensity exercise levels (90% max. heart rate) [3]. Throughout the world of testosterone boosting supplements, there are numerous ingredients that are commonly used to help the body increase its production of testosterone naturally or to increase the production of luteinizing hormone (LH). The goal is to produce freer testosterone, as opposed to bound testosterone. This will help the individual gain more energy, build muscle mass, and have an increased libido. Salvia officinalis is one of those ingredients that has the potential to promote an increase in testosterone production in the body [1, 6]. More noteworthy is that serum luteinizing hormone concentration levels significantly increased for infertile men after treatment with salvia officinalis. The numbers that were found in this research study are as follows: (6.475±0.92 mlU/ml) as compared with before treatment (3.676±0.789 mlU/ml). Serum LH level was increased after treatment by 43.2%. The researchers found that treating with salvia officinalis significantly increases luteinizing hormone and testosterone levels [2, 8, 14]. The researchers in this study determined that there wasn’t a significant impact on luteinizing hormone for these test subject rats. They did find that a significant increase in salvia officinalis intake on a daily basis increased total testosterone levels as well as sperm viability and motility [16-17, 21]. The endocrine system, by Balanced of anabolic and catabolic processes, plays a major role in the physiological adaptation to exercise training. Hormonal assays particularly anabolic (testosterone) and catabolic (cortisol) hormones have been suggested as being valuable indicators of the exercise intensity and work load. The ratio between anabolic and catabolic hormones has been used to determine the readiness status of individuals. Whereas, the free testosterone to cortisol ratio is used as an adaptation exercise index for males [11-12, 20]. Exercise training produces changes in the concentration of several biologically active molecules including cortisol and testosterone, which play pivotal roles as catabolic and anabolic agents in gluconeogenesis via the proteolytic pathway. The storage of glycogen and muscular protein synthesis is stimulated by testosterone [8, 12]. In summary, the intensity and duration of the exercise training are important and an increase in accessible energy would result in a change in thyroid hormones levels. Therefore, we can conclude that exercise can change hormonal concentration of T4. Of course, Thyroid function depends to a certain degree on the exercise intensity and perhaps to other factors such as specific characteristics of the athletes. But no significant changes in TSH and T3. But Individuals who consume salvia officinalis may very well help to boost serum testosterone levels in the body.

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Mohammadbagher Forghani Ozrudi. Effect of Resistance Exercises with Salvia Officinalis Supplementation on the Response of Some Bio-Hormones in Overweight Male Students. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2021