Cancer Cells-Their Origin

1. Review The formation of cells in the body, like the irmutation, is aprocess associated with a violation of the composition and structure of a substance (cells) formed under the influence of an external field surrounding it. Such an environment for the cell is the intercellularfluid, the composition of which is dete rmined by the processes of entering the nutrient medium and the products of their decay removedfromthecells. The seprocessesare supported by the contractilepumping function of skeletal muscles, which a repart of the venous-muscular pumps. Since human activity in the developed countries of the world over the past 50 years has decreased 200 times,anddeformitiesofthefeetandspinearetestedinmorethan 90%ofthepopulation,thereisasignificantincreaseincancercas- es. As you can see, only two parameters: skeletal deformations and muscleactivitydeterminetheperformanceofthevenous-muscular pumps,whichareresponsiblefortheprocessesofcellmetabolism. Allothernamedcausesshouldbeattributedtofactorsthatacceleratetheprocessesofcellmutation.Thissequenceisalsoconsidered by human physiology, and when it becomes clear to the doctor, it ispossibletoexplaintheeffectsthatatfirstareperceivedwithsur- prise by them during the hydrostatic correction of the feet. When hydrocorrectionwasfirstusedtorelievefoottissueindiabeticantipathy, patients experienced rapid healing of wounds, restoration oftissuetropismandnormalizationofbloodsugarontheseventh day. The effect of the correction of the musculoskeletal frame of the body on the normalization of the body is observed in all pathologies, ranging from varicose veins of the legs, weight loss, disappearance of acne on the face, etc. Basedonmorethan40yearsofexperience,anaturalinterestarose in observing people which have been found to have cancer cells. From all observations, the conclusion suggests itself that balancing the state of the body, when all systems are energetically broughttoasinglelevel,isthemaintaskofadoctortorestorethe functionalityofaself-regulatingsystem.Andaswesaidabove,in 99% of cases this is achieved by correcting the musculoskeletal framework.Itworkswellandquicklyinpeoplewhohavereceived chemotherapy.When,afterthefirstthreesessions,thebodycannot normalize on its own, as well as after the end of therapy, then hydrostatic correction and bio resonance therapy allows the body to quicklyreturntonormal.Todaywenotonlynormalizetheenergy stateofthebody,butalsofixitwithinsoles,whichhavereceived the prefix BIO-pod correctors. So a person walks under the influence of the information of his own bio field, and after seven days the state of the body is stable.The patient is happy to report thathefeelsgood,eatsbreadandfruits,whichhehasnotallowed himselftodoformanyyears.Orthopediccorrectionisalsoneeded after breast amputation, when the general center of gravity shifts to one side. For this reason, pain appears in various parts of the spine. All of the above correlates well with the knowledge that human physiology gives us, which requires a change in the attitude and significanceoforthopediccorrectionintheformationofahealthy organism. All over the world, no one makes orthopedic insoles taking into account the existing difference in leg lengths, that is, the position of the body's GCG, does not bring the skeleton to a neutral position, which determines the performance of musculoskeletal pumps.And therefore the work of doctors does not have the desired results

GusyevValentyn. Cancer Cells-Their Origin. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2021