A Case Report of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patient Cured By Homeopathy

1. Abstract Background: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) is a cancer of lymphoid line of blood cells character-ized by pallor complexion, progressive fatigue, easy bruising and bleeding, enlarged lymph nodes with bone pains. Incidents of ALL are growing globally with fatal results [1]. A demographic report published by UnitedNations showed that 53000 cases of ALL were recorded in 2016 worldwide. Case Presentation: A pre-diagnosed case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia of a 5 years old girl, presented in S.W.F. Homeopathic Clinic after getting chemotherapy with no cure. She had recurrent chest infection, herbone marrow with 20% of blast cells. Hemoglobin level 4.8g/dl, WBCs 2.3 x103 /l, RBCs 2.03 x106 /l and PLTswere 89x 103 /l considered as very low. Conclusion: Report narrated highlights the potential effects of Homeopathic Medicines in the cure of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

2. Key wordsAcute Lymphoblastic Leukemia; Ho-meopathy; Blood can

3. IntroductionLeukemia represents 31% of all cancer cases occurring in children below the age of 15years. Whereas acute lymphoblastic leukemia a “cancer of lymphocytes” commonly occurring under age of 20 years. Approximately 6000 cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnosed in USA annually and it has become the most common cause of deaths under age of 20 year [2]. It is usually considered that 30-40 out of 1 million people suffer from acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The peak incidence is in children under ages of 2-5 years [3]. ALLis a heterogeneous disease with distinct biological and prognostic groupings. Sign and symptoms of ALL may include bruising and bleeding due to thrombocytopenia, pallor complexion with easily fatigue caused by anemia and frequent infections due to neutropenia, bruising and bleeding due to thrombocytopenia, Leukemic infiltration of spleen, liver, lymph nodes and mediastinum is usually seen at the time of diagnosis. Diagnosis relies on the study of cell morphology, immune histochemical evaluation of leukemic blasts.4Consequently, cytogenic analysis confirms the clonal and structural abnormalities of chromosomes that confirm the subtype classification and provide prognostic sequences for the planning of treatment. Usually in pediatric cases most of the time hyperdiploidy is common cause of acute lymphoblastic leukemia [4, 5].

4. Case PresentationA5-year-old girl presented with pre-diagnosed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. ALL was diagnosed when she was admitted in local hospital due to recurrent chest infection. At the age of 4 years she kept admitted in hospital because of persistent fever due to chest infection. She was diagnosed that she had typhoid fever. After 6 months, she suffered from chest infection again. She was referred to a tertiary care hospital due to lack of improvement in response to the treatment. There she was diagnosed that she had acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She received chemotherapy that also resulted no improvement. She was admitted in ICU chest infection when her desperate parents contacted S.W.F Homeopathy clinic to try this alternative treatment. Parents brought her to S.W.F Homeopathy Clinic in February 2019 with following reports. Bone marrow with 20% of blast cells. Hemoglobin level 4.8g/dl, WBCs 2.3 x103 /l, RBCs 2.03 x106 /l and PLTs were 89x 103 /l.

5. Homeopathic TreatmentAfter case taking she was prescribed homeopathic remedies according to drug picture. Following homeopathic remedies administered; Antum Tart 200 and Hydrastus 3x, twice daily for 15 days. Calcareaphos 3x and Natrummur 3x in powder form QID, for one month. She responded to treatment completely in three months. Following symptoms improved markedly in this duration; her chest infection cured within first few weeks of treatment, skin color became normal and she gained her weight. She started eating and walking like normal a child in three months. Although no test was requirement for or by homeopathy or physician, however, her parents, for their satisfaction got her bone marrow evaluation repeated after afore mentioned treatment, following values were reported, blast cells6% and Hemoglobin14.5g/dl, WBCs5.55 x103 /l and PLTs (350 x 103 /l) these values considered normal.

6. DiscussionCitation: Yaseen G, A Case Report of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patient Cured By Homeopathy. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports. 2020; 3(1) As the patient is considered a drug picture in homeopathy therefore no painful, costly or complicated tests are required. Homeopathy Physician still depends upon human skill such as using traditional means of investigation asthey are trained for. On the other side dramatic change in science and technology revolutionized the medical treatment. Modern tools and test not only investigate the disease but also used as tools to gauge efficacy of a treatment. Presented case was primarily investigated according to typical homeopathic way and treated according to drug picture. Some clinical tests were done prior to homeopathic intervention and other tests after treatment, those tests were not desired by homeo physician but, parents for their personal satisfaction. However, Homeo physician used these tests just to report the case not to investigate or to prescribe any medicine. Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia is a disease that arises from several cooperative genetic mutations in single B-cell or T-lymphoid progenitor. It is most common cancer in children almost 25% in all cases of cancer with peak incident in the ages from 2-5 years.2Occurrence of ALL is almost same in developed and underdeveloped countries. Factors predisposing ALL are still unknown. But, prolong influence of radiation is considered most relevant. This patient had no specific history of exposure to causative agents. She had recurrent fever due to chest infection and progressive pallor complexion with general lethargic health condition with compromised immunity. Homeopathic remedies (Medicine) are also used for the treatment of cancer. A number of cases have been reported where homeopathic remedies showed curative or palliative effects in the patients suffering from cancer [7].

7. ConclusionA patient suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia cured gently and softly with homeopathic treatment. This is also submitted that the system of alternative medicine is useful in the treatment of cancer. It is regarded as second largest method of treatment worldwide. It is highly cost effective and convenient. Homeopathy may also be considered as supplementary to any other treatment method.


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Yaseen G. A Case Report of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patient Cured By Homeopathy. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2020